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Contact us

If you would like to meet a product specialist, have a demonstration or find out more about the indications of Pulsotherapy, please fill in the form below. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone : 02 32 09 41 60

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The personal data collected in this form is intended for the STENDO INTERNATIONAL company, which is responsible for processing it, and for its official distributors abroad, in order to carry out operations relating to customer management. The transmission of your request cannot be technically validated. In accordance with the RGPD standard of 25 May 2018, relating to the protection of personal data, files and freedoms, you have the right to access, rectify and delete your personal data, which you may exercise by writing to :

STENDO International
17, rue du port
27400 Louviers - France

Stendo® Laboratoire

17, rue du Port 27400 Louviers

Phone : +33 2 32 09 41 60

2020 Copyright : Stendo® Frédéric GIBRAT Conception - Logo WSF WSF © Conception - all rights reserved .