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sante bien etre

Re-education, health and prevention
are built from within


rééducation physique

Towards functional re-education capable of improving your patients' quality of life

If you're a physiotherapist specialising in functional re-education, find out how Stendo® Pulsotherapy works and the wide range of areas in which it can be applied. It reactivates blood and lymph flow in an unprecedented way, acting deep down inside the body. Opt for a more global therapeutic approach, focused on the patient and improving his or her quality of life.


"I wouldn't have thought that vascular stimulation could have such an effect on pain and chronic inflammation, and the results in cases of severe osteoarthritis are impressive and long-lasting."

Astrid, physiotherapist/osteopath – Paris, 75

Stendo® Pulsotherapy : an asset for your complex treatments and chronic patients

Stendo Pulsotherapy® regulates inflammation, acts on pain, accelerates healing processes, improves tissue condition and frees up amplitudes. It has a positive effect on patients' general state of health and speeds up recovery. It is an invaluable aid in physiotherapy for a wide range of conditions :
  • Vascular and lymphatic disorders

  • Pathologies inflammatoires chroniques

  • Fouling pathologies (toxic tendinopathies, toxic pain, etc.)

  • Post-operation and complex post-trauma (algodystrophy, post breast cancer)

  • Neuropathic pain and neurological disorders

  • Abdominopelvic pain and congestion


"The area of application is vast : from well-being objectives to the consequences of serious pathologies such as central neurological disorders. It's a real asset in my care strategies and I couldn't do without it."

Thibault, physiotherapist - Saint Raphaël (83)

Stendo® Laboratoire

17, rue du Port 27400 Louviers

Phone : +33 2 32 09 41 60

2020 Copyright : Stendo® Frédéric GIBRAT Conception - Logo WSF WSF © Conception - all rights reserved .