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  • Health, vitality and youthfulness
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Ageing well

Health, vitality and youthfulness

Ageing well and maintaining your youthfulness is a challenge that involves a combined approach based on health and well-being. The healthcare proposals of senior health and wellness professionals: physiotherapists, senior residences, beauty salons, spas, and thalassotherapy centres, etc. must be complete and complementary in order to obtain a tangible result. Staying in shape and working to maintain your vitality means successfully reducing and minimizing the symptoms of ageing such as pain, stiffness, fatigue, sleep disorders and maintaining good morale. At the same time, maintaining one's image is essential in one's relationship with oneself as well as with others, and helps to cultivate a positive psychological health. Stendo® treatments allow this synergy by bringing new responses to health and well-being issues.

The Stendo® process energizes the blood and lymphatic circulation in depth. The objective is to boost exchanges within the organism and the cellular metabolism more specifically. This makes it possible to compensate for the slowness of the metabolism and to revive functions of the organism which become lazy. This comprehensive, deep and functional approach acts on symptoms such as pain, inflammation, oedema and stiffness ... The approach can be preventive in order to delay or prevent the onset of ageing, it is also curative and has a role in maintaining the physical body and the psyche. Knowing that you are taking care of yourself helps you make the future seem positive.

Stendo® treatments are also applicable to the management of problems related to the absence of physical movement such as postoperative operations. They make it possible to stop the spiral of the loss of physical autonomy of seniors and work to rebuild their confidence and vitality.

Stendo®, the best ally to guarantee healthy, non-dependent ageing








a soft, safe treatment suitable for everyone

Stendo® physically acts on the body while providing comfort care: the person is installed in a massage suit, lying down and calmly enjoys a succession of massaging waves at very low pressure. Health and/or beauty professionals can safely administer this treatment, a pulsometer is positioned on the patient/customer's finger, picking up their heartbeat. The impulses are triggered in perfect harmony with the heartbeat. This induces a physical action on the tissues of the body and dynamizes the blood and lymphatic system. The physiological reaction is 100% natural, soft and deep.

Pulsothérapie Stendo® : un atout pour vos prises en charge complexes et vos patients chroniques

La Pulsothérapie® Stendo régule l’inflammation, agir sur la douleur, accélérer les process cicatriciels, améliorer l’état tissulaire, et libère les amplitudes. Elle agit positivement sur l’état de santé général des patients, accèlere la récupération. Elle est une aide précieuse en kinésithérapie pour de nombreuses prises en charge :

  • Troubles vasculaires et lymphatiques,
  • Pathologies inflammatoires chroniques,
  • Pathologies d’encrassement (tendinopathies toxémiques, douleurs d'origine toxiques, …)
  • Post-opératoire et post trauma complexe (algodystrophie, post cancer du sein)
  • Douleurs neuropathiques et troubles neurologiques.
  • Douleurs abdomino-pelviennes et congestions


Le champ d’application est vaste : des objectifs bien-être aux conséquences de pathologies lourdes comme les atteintes neurologiques centrales. C’est un vrai atout dans mes stratégies de soin, j’aurais du mal à m’en passer.

Thibault, kiné – Saint Raphaël (83)

Stendo® Laboratoire

17, rue du Port 27400 Louviers

Phone : +33 2 32 09 41 60

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